Resident Services / Stepping Stones

Northwest Stepping Stones is a nonprofit agency with the goal of providing learning centers and service coordination that will teach residents self-sufficiency, independence, and create happy, healthy homes. We believe that if we give residents access to skills training and services, we will provide a stepping stone toward a brighter future.

Our Mission

Our mission is to end generational poverty by promoting self-sufficiency principles within affordable housing communities. Through a variety of resident services we advance independence by providing access to technology, community resources, skills training and mentoring to low-income families, senior and people with disabilities.

Our Vision

To become a stepping stone toward a brighter future for those who use our centers.

About Us

Stepping Stones, a nonprofit agency, in partnership with Northwest Real Estate Capital Corporation (NWRECC), operates and manages service sites and Neighborhood Network Computer Centers for multiple properties.

Stepping Stones was founded in 2006. Our mission is to create computer learning centers and self-sufficiency resources within affordable housing communities. Our goal is to connect residents to services and resources that promote housing stability and economic mobility.

We also provide service coordination programs in properties for seniors and the disabled in order to support aging in place and independent living.


What We Do

The Resident Services Department provides support for residents to help them live independently, overcome challenges, and meet their goals. The department plans and coordinates programs, workshops, and activities that address housing stability, employment, education, health and wellness, community building and financial empowerment.

NWRECC also partners with other nonprofit organizations and service providers to offer residents greater access to services and resources in their communities.

Our Centers

Our centers provide residents access to a computer, internet, and local services. They also serve as a community hub for activities and community building, some may provide an afterschool program in conjunction with community activities.

Residents can expect to find a community resource dedicated to strengthening themselves as an individual, promote family growth and building communities.

Service Coordinator Program

Our Resident Service Coordinators provide support in accessing benefits such as rent and utility assistance programs, food benefits, technology assistance, and healthcare entitlements. They also help residents maintain housing stability and promote self-sufficiency by assisting residents with making phone calls, reading important documents, understanding lease compliance, and conflict mediation.

NWRECC uses a third-party evaluator to provide an impartial evaluation of our Service Coordinator programs to ensure a consistent and competent service coordinator program is effectively implemented and in compliance with the HUD Service Coordinator grant agreements. NWRECC Stepping Stones provides goals and outcome measurements so that the Service Coordinator may measure themselves against a benchmark of effective performance and standards.

NWRECC Stepping Stones also provides Service Coordinator training that meets the required HUD Service Coordinator continuing education requirements.


In 2022, NWRECC rolled out a new online platform that lets residents, property managers, and service coordinators search for community programs and make referrals. The platform was made possible through our partnerships with Findhelp, America’s leading search and referral platform for social service organizations.  

We named this new resource “Bridge2Community” because it’s meant to serve as a bridge between people in need and resources that can help them. 

Bridge2Commmunity is a resource and referral platform that provides instant access to free and reduced-cost services and resources in local communities and online. It’s as simple as entering a zip code and checking off the services needed (food, mental health services, transportation, etc.). 

The platform can be translated into 100 languages and was designed to enable two-way communication between the people making referrals and seeking services and community service providers. 

Click the link below to give it a try!

Are you resident in need of services or a services provider who would like to partner with us?